Monday, July 11, 2005

Vacation pictures...

Here are some pictures from my vacation last week at Big Bradford Lake. I didn't post any pictures with any of my friends because I don't like to post pictures without permission. These pictures are all naturey and stuff...and Riley the Wonderdog. Riley is the sweetest, slowest, sleepiest dog of all time. Riley belongs to Julie and Glen. He's a whirl of apathy...just like us.

Fire, fire, fire... Posted by Picasa

Big Bradford Lake at dusk... Posted by Picasa

Pontooning to our cabin before night falls... Posted by Picasa

Blurry, but cool lookin'... Posted by Picasa

Where's Nessie? Posted by Picasa

A little blurry, eerie, and kinda cool... Posted by Picasa

Really blurry, but really cool lookin'... Posted by Picasa

Captain Riley... Posted by Picasa

Captain Riley dogging the boat... Posted by Picasa

Loons on the lake... Posted by Picasa

Riley...chillin' Posted by Picasa

The view of Big Bradford Lake from our cabin... Posted by Picasa

Loons, but not the Canadian money... Posted by Picasa

Like sh*t through a goose... Posted by Picasa

Hot, sassy, s'more makin' fire... Posted by Picasa

Riley taking a nap after a long day of napping... Posted by Picasa

Riley in a rare waking moment... Posted by Picasa

View from the cabin... Posted by Picasa

Another cabin view... Posted by Picasa


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