Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Patch of Blue fades to black...

Boring times...
Let's see...
Okay...I've got one...
Friday at the restaurant job one of the busboys (a young Albanian hothead) pulled a 12 inch filet knife on one of the dishwashers. The dishwasher (who is much taller) grab the hand he had the knife in, but the busboy managed to pop the dishwasher in the mouth. Apparently the dishwasher said "Your mama" and that was enough to prompt a death threat. They fired the busboy...

There is perhaps something challenging but exciting for me on the horizon, but I can't talk about it yet. I'll know more later (months later)...

I've taken on more responsibilities at work. That sucks. I've got to see if I can procure a little more money for said responsibilities...

Last night on Saturday Night Live they did a spoof of MTV's My Super Sweet 16 with Scarlett Johansson. It was about time. The skit was just okay, but the show definitely needed some skewering. And for the record Horatio Sanz is still not funny.

I watched the season premiere of 24 tonight. It was pretty good. I've never really watched the show. I've seen episodes and enjoyed it, but I never got addicted to it. I wouldn't be adverse to becoming addicted, but I've already got House and Lost on my plate. Do I need another? Maybe. I've got a great idea for a season of 24. What if Jack Bauer solved the crime in first hour and then went home, took a nap, made a sandwich, went grocery shopping, and stayed home to watch TV. What do you think? Should I submit my idea to the writers over at Fox?

New York is just over a week away. I can't wait. I pick up my tuxedo and topcoat on Wednesday. I picked up cufflinks and studs today as well as a new pair of shoes. I haven't worn a tux since prom (other than my days as a waiter at a country club). (I don't remember if I ever posted about my prom. Basically it sucked (as did most of my high school experience). Let's just say that my date got back together with her ex-boyfriend on prom night. She threw an after-party and they proceeded to have sex while I was in the basement watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail with some other nice folks. She got pregnant that night, they got married, and they're now divorced. Wasn't high school grand?) New York is such an awesome town. It's gigantic and lively. I'd probably like to live there if I could afford it, but maybe it's just a little too big and lively. It's certainly a nice place to visit anyway... I think Chicago is just about the perfect city...or maybe Portland, Oregon. I love Detroit and all, but seriously...

I've made a few adjustments to my dinner party menu. The soup has now changed from potato leek to cream of fennel, the risotto has become mashed potatoes, I've added a morel/porcini sauce for the pork, and I'm changing the creme brulee part of the dessert to panna cotta. Yesterday I was offered a free ticket to see Wynton Marsalis play "A Love Supreme" next Sunday...the same night of my dinner party. Damn!!!

Acting legend/Oscar winner Shelley Winters passed away at the age of 85. She was amazing in Patch of Blue. Netflix it if you haven't seen it. Here's a more detailed filmography. She'll be missed.

And in local news...
Eminem re-married Kim. I guess at least he's "keepin' it real". Really trashy that is. That's how it is in the "D".



Blogger Kathleen said...

Just to show you how unaware I am, I thought Shelley Winters died years ago.

11:53 AM  

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