Sunday, September 11, 2005

Wine judging, the "Live Wrong Foundation", Jim Jarmusch, and an Aussie crush...

So yesterday I judged the wine competition in Detroit. That was alright, but it started at 8:00 AM. I was there until about 2:30. I had to stay late because I was a Table Captain. The Table Captains had to stick around to retaste questionable wines, wines nominated for Double Gold, and tiebreakers. There were a lot of bad wines yesterday. Our table tasted 15 or 16 flights. Luckily there were a few respectable wines. Just a few. Unluckily I had to go straight from the judging to work (until 9:00 PM). I ran into a guy at the competition that works for the LCBO that I know (Liquor Control Board of Ontario). I met one of his coworkers and said that they could probably use me as a judge in a Canadian International competition. That could be cool.

Lance Armstrong is now apparently engaged to talentless succubus Sheryl Crow. Should he change his mantra to "Live Wrong"? Owen Wilson was with her for a while too. What do talented guys see in this whiny hack?

I did not get to see Au Revoir Les Enfants today like I had hoped, but I did finally get to see Broken Flowers before it left the theaters. It was very good. It was not my favorite Jim Jarmusch film (that would be Stranger Than Paradise, although I'm also a big fan of Mystery Train). Actually I love all of his films, but I think it's John Lurie that makes Stranger Than Paradise stand out. He was also in Down By Law with Tom F'ing Waits! was very good, but definitely more mainstream than most of Jim Jarmusch's works...which is not mainstream by any standard. Bill Murray's performance was almost too exaggerated, introspective, and delayed after his BRILLIANT performance in Lost in Translation. Jeffrey Wright turned in a fine performance, but I wish that his role was bigger as I think that he's one of the most brilliant actors working in film.

I haven't had any entries in the FEMA Acronym contest yet...enter now before it's too late.

If you enjoyed the "FEMA for Kids" website you may also enjoy this government sponsored website called It's an anti-drinking site. But it must be "cool" if the government is calling it "The Cool Spot". I'm sorry, but the more you tell kids not to do something the more they want to do it. Drugs were readily available when I was a kid. It was relatively taboo, but everyone knew it existed and made their own decisions. I think that drug use went up among kids as soon as DARE was introduced. There are a bunch of DARE "graduates" that are full-on high ons these days. Government programs and warnings are just going to make it worse. Why bother???

I'm going to a birthday party next week for the one-year old son of some college friends. What's a good age-appropriate gift for a one-year old? BB gun, a bag of nails, a tiny pimp suit???

Tomorrow (Monday) I'm going to a trade wine tasting at the Kingsley Inn. I'm going because I want to taste the distibutor's wines, but mostly to see Emma Bowen. Emma is the winemaker at Bowen Estate Winery in Coonawarra. I met her at her father's winery in 2003. She's a great girl and a fantastic winemaker. It'll be great to see her again. I'm going to bring her some pictures I took in the vineyards at Bowen Estate. I think that she's very cute. She's young and a bit of a tomboy. Do you think that she'll marry me? I wouldn't mind living in Coonawarra for the rest of my life...

Emma and Doug Bowen

Today someone found my blog by doing an MSN search of "recently peed in thongs for sale". Eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!!

On that note...



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